Personalized Recovery Oriented Services
What is PROS?
PROS stands for Personalized Recovery Oriented Services. PROS services are designed to help individuals develop strengths and skills to overcome barriers that prevent the achievement of life goals.
Who is eligible?
Individuals 18 years or older with a psychiatric disability, living in Albany or Rensselaer Counties and covered by Medicaid are eligible. Self-pay options are available.
Where do I go?
Northeast Career Planning’s PROS is located in Menands, NY. PROS services include both classroom activities and individual counseling. A recreation room and on-site cafeteria are available.
What can I expect?
There are over 70 (45 minute) classes covering a variety of topics for individuals to choose from. PROS services are offered Monday through Friday 9am to 4pm.
How does it help?
Participating in PROS can help you:
Live more independently in the community
Involve your family in your recovery
Develop a detailed road map to reach your goals
Build your support system through peer and professional interaction
Find direction and meaning in life
To find out more about PROS, call and ask to speak with a PROS Practitioner. (518) 465-5204.
PROS Classes include:
Building Relationships
Constructive Communication
Wellness Self Management
Building Self Esteem
Interviewing Preparedness
Relapse Prevention
Independent Living Skills
Meditation and Relaxation
Organizing Your Life
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