Our Services
Call (518) 465-5201 for more information
Assisted Competitive Employment (ACE)
Kiki Garg, Director of Rehabilitation Services
Offers a continuum of vocational services for those with Mental Health diagnoses and reside in Columbia County. This program focuses its service approach on the foundation that competitive employment is a recovery goal. Services are individualized and participant choice is at the center of all service interventions.
Diagnostic Vocational Evaluation (DVE)
Michael Brocci, Manager of Employment Services
Assessment of individuals’ strengths and limitations through standardized testing. Vocational skills, interests and aptitudes are identified in order to recommend training and/or job placement and to develop a realistic vocational plan.
Interpreter Services
Amy LaGrange, Program Assistant
Provides qualified professional interpreters and available wherever full access to communications is required for deaf individuals.
O.A.S.A.S. Vocational Services (Office of Alcohol & Substance Abuse Services)
Kiki Garg, Director of Rehabilitation Services
Comprehensive, vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with chemical dependency issues participating in specific substance abuse treatment programs. The New Choices program also falls under this funding.
Preferred Source Employment Contracts
Janet Simmons, Director of Employment Services
Provides employment for persons with disabilities in group and individual settings located at New York State and federal agencies, such as the State Education Department, United States Housing and Urban Development, and New York State Archives. Job titles vary but include clerical, mailroom, and janitorial responsibilities.
Prevocational Services
Michael Brocci, Manager of Employment Services
Addresses individuals’ vocational interests. They assist individuals who are interested in joining "the world of work" but whose skills are such that they may not expect to obtain competitive employment within the next year.
PROS –Personalized Recovery Oriented Services
Ashlei Allen, Program Supervisor
PROS on Broadway is a comprehensive recovery-oriented program for individuals with severe and persistent mental illness. The goal is to integrate treatment, support, and rehabilitation in a manner that facilitates consumers’ recovery.
For information on the PROS program CLICK HERE.
School-to-Work Services
Kiki Garg, Director of Rehabilitation Services
Provides students and young adults with vocational education through integrated work, community involvement and vocational exploration. Collaborations with specific high school districts serving all youth with disabilities. Additional targeted contracts in Albany and Rensselaer Counties for youth with mental illness and/or emotional disability.
Supported Education
Julie Pirog, Supported Education Team Leader
A mobile community program which assists individuals with mental illness in choosing, acquiring and maintaining educational goals. Educational pursuits range from acquisition of basic literacy skills through the achievement of Bachelors, Master’s and/or Professional degrees.
Supported Employment
Michael Brocci, Manager of Employment Services
Job placement services that offer assisted job development, job placement, intensive job coaching and ongoing extended support services for individuals with the most severe disabilities who, without these supports, may be unable to maintain independent competitive employment.
For information on the NCP OPWDD Safety Plan CLICK HERE
Traditional Job Placement
Michael Brocci, Manager of Employment Services
Job placement services that assist individuals establish job goals, examine the labor market and hiring trends, plan and manage a job search, and secure employment. Also included is ninety days of post-employment follow-up counseling and support to ensure successful transition. Re-placement services are available if needed.
Work Center Services
Michael Brocci, Manager of Employment Services
Provides adults the opportunity to be gainfully employed while in a supportive and structured environment. The work center employees complete production tasks for various manufacturing contracts while improving work skills and developing strong work habits. Individual vocational counseling services are provided in conjunction with participants’ residential case managers, Medicaid Service Coordinators and other clinical providers.
Call (518) 465-5201 for more information
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